Recent Other Media Artwork

Veill-Mini Bag
Fall collection: Earring, Bracelet, Ring
Spring Collection Earring, Necklace, Bracelet
MessQueen styles pt. 3
MessQueen styles pt. 2
MessQueen styles pt. 1
Lemon chalcedony + pink
Funky Chunky necklace
Ruby Zoisite mix
Agate, Tanzanite, Lapis Lazuli, Saphhire
Amethyst Chevron xl necklace
Chalcedony front toggle
pussycat and teapot
Crochet BlueJean Bottle Bag
Lincoln Park Bridge
Trees in Bloom

Page 3 of 83, showing 18 records out of 1,492 total, starting on record 37, ending on 54

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