Recent Mixed Media Artwork

St. Mary’s Cathedral ~ Fabric Banners and 3D Painted Cutout Sculpture ~ San Francisco
St. Mary’s Cathedral ~ Fabric Banners and 3D Painted Cutout Sculpture ~ San Francisco
St. Mary’s Cathedral ~ Fabric and Painted Banners ~ San Francisco
St. Mary’s Cathedral ~ Fabric and Painted Banners ~ San Francisco
St. Mary’s Cathedral ~ Fabric and Painted Banners ~ San Francisco
Paper and Nature Elements (detail)
Paper and Nature Elements (detail)
Paper and Nature Elements (detail)
Paper and Nature Elements ~ Wall Screen
Paper and Nature Elements (detail)
Paper and Nature Wall Screen
Detail of 3D screen St. Matthew's
3D Screen (detail)
8’ x 24’ 3D Cutout Painted and Mirrored “Tree of Life” Screen ~ St. Matthew's
Elven Forest Labradorite Pendant
Ammonite Trio
Blue Hibiscus
Blue Hibiscus

Page 83 of 179, showing 18 records out of 3,215 total, starting on record 1,477, ending on 1,494

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