Ellen Hosafros / Works

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Ellen Hosafros


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My Summer Vacation
When Conspiracy Theories Take Over
The Bohemian Mind
Pareidolia: What the Mind Sees
I'm Meeeeeeeeelting
Cell Scape: The Inner Workings of Life
The Long and Winding Path of Life
Skel Gazelle Carousel
Eagle Watch at the Bird Bath
Tilt: Lies My Body Tells Me
Kevin Hears the Mother Ship
Living Time Forward and Backward
How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself...Please
Small Acts of Kindness
The Candy Shop
Can't See the Forest for the Trees

Page 1 of 2, showing 18 records out of 32 total, starting on record 1, ending on 18

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